MSD's new direction - Te Pae Tawhiti - Our Future
Helping people, whānau, families and communities is at the centre of what MSD does. We work with thousands of people every day and get positive feedback from the people we help. But we want to make a bigger and better difference in people's lives.
To achieve this we've developed a new strategic direction, Te Pae Tawhiti - Our Future. It's focused on ensuring we are trusted and doing the best job we can to support New Zealanders, families, whānau and communities to be safer and stronger.
We've identified three shifts we need to take as an organisation to meet our vision of the sort of organisation we want to be. In describing these, we've drawn on concepts from Te Ao Māori and we are using this perspective to help shape our thinking:
- Mana manaaki - A positive experience every time
- Kotahitanga - Partnering for greater impact
- Kia takatū tātou - Supporting long-term social and economic development.
These three strategic shifts will help us refocus our work programme over the next year.
We are already working hard to strengthen our service culture, including our new Client Commitment, warmer and more user-friendly service centre layouts and sites that we have co-designed with clients and stakeholders. There's more information on our website about these changes.
We know we are strongest when we work with others. Over the next year we will be developing our partnership approach that will look to harness the knowledge and expertise of a network of trusted partners to identify and implement initiatives that are relevant to the wellbeing of our clients, families, whānau and communities. We are approaching this recognising we may not always be best placed to offer some services to New Zealanders.
We're going to take a stronger role in long-term social and economic development. We'll do this through strengthening our work with employers, industry, iwi, community partners and other government agencies to anticipate changes and trends, to identify opportunities and understand what that means for services for clients.
With a presence in communities across New Zealand, we'll use our relationships to provide more opportunities for people to contribute to their communities and support positive wellbeing, for example through education, volunteering and caring.
You can find out more about Te Pae Tawhiti in our 2018-2022 Statement of Intent.
There will be different opportunities to engage with MSD on our strategic direction in coming months, and there will be regular updates about our work and progress in this newsletter. If you have any questions or comments please email