Young professionals making coffee.

Meeting Skill Needs: A Work and Income Response


These reports were replaced in 2006 by the Quarterly Regional Labour Market Updates1 at the Department of Labour website.


Reducing skill and labour shortages is one of MSD’s priority goals. Work and Income significantly contributes to reducing skill and labour shortages by working with key industries/employers, other government agencies, training providers, and job seekers.

Identifying skill and labour shortages and sharing information about regional responses to meeting these shortages is important for achieving this goal.

The Meeting Skill Needs reports were produced from 2003 until March 2006. They provided an overview of skill and labour shortages in Work and Income regions and describes key initiatives for addressing these shortages. The information for the reports was gathered from MSD’s Skill and Labour Shortages - Stocktake of Initiatives template.

The reports are based on Work and Income’s perceptions of skill shortages and recruitment difficulties in each region, and did not necessarily reflect the entire range.

The initiatives described range from strategic partnerships and relationship building, through to research and targeted training and apprenticeship programmes. Work and Income was involved in each initiative in some way.

The Reports from 2003 to 2006


Quarter Ended March 2006

Quarter Ended December 2005

Quarter Ended September 2005

Quarter Ended June 2005

Quarter Ended March 2005

Quarter Ended December 2004

Quarter Ended September 2004

Quarter Ended June 2004

Quarter Ended March 2004

Quarter Ended December 2003

Quarter Ended September 2003

Quarter Ended June 2003


1 The Department of Labour and the Ministry of Social Development jointly produce Quarterly Regional Labour Market Updates, which provide a single point of reference for accurate labour market information that applies across consistent regional council boundaries. The reports provide the latest regional labour market information, such as labour force participation, employment, unemployment and job vacancies. They are published every three months within 24 hours of Statistics New Zealand's release of the latest quarterly Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) results.

Young professionals making coffee.
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