CSV data tables - December 2019 quarter
During the COVID-19 pandemic response, we are releasing a reduced amount of supporting material for the Benefit Fact Sheets and this page has not been updated with information from the latest quarter.
The below files show detailed benefit numbers in a machine readable format.
The data tables are grouped by benefit numbers at a national level and by Work and Income region. The tables also show main benefit groups, benefit sub-categories, and a range of other selected characteristics.
In the December 2017 quarter, changes were made to the CSV files available for download. Less files were available than for previous quarters. This is because the previous files have been standardised and combined into larger files, to allow for more information to be available in a format that is consistent across benefits.
A new variable called "Incapacity or Child age" is included in the tables. For Jobseeker Support - Health Condition and Disability, and Supported Living Payment - Health Condition and Disability, this variable will display the incapacity group. For Sole Parent Support, this variable will display the youngest child age. For any other benefit, or New Zealand Superannuation/Veteran's Pension, this variable will not display any information.
Please note that the Work and Income Region main benefit data file is large (larger than 10MB) and therefore may be slow to download on older computers and internet connections.